Release Notes

What’s New in Cordra v2.0

Please visit Cordra v2.0 Features for the core features offered by version 2 of the Cordra software.

Below you will find a list of incremental changes made to the software.

Changes in 2.5.2 release (2023-08-29):


Cordra v2.5.2 is a security update.

Cordra v2.5.0 and v2.5.1 could potentially leak “internalMetadata” of objects via the 20.DOIP/Op.Relationships.Get operation or the /relationships API endpoint. The internalMetadata of User objects includes the salt and hash of the user password. The password is not stored so is never leaked, but the leaked information potentially allows offline brute force password search. This leaking only happens if the User objects are the target of handleReference properties, for example, User objects which are members of Group objects. Additionally, this leaking is prevented if the User type has an onObjectResolution hook.

Earlier versions of Cordra can allow object retrieval which bypasses the onObjectResolution hook, via the 20.DOIP/Op.Relationships.Get operation or the /relationships API endpoint. This bypassing only happens for objects which contain a handleReference link to another object. When the relationships of the target object are accessed, in earlier Cordra versions, the source object would be retrieved bypassing any onObjectResolution hook.


  • Ensure that the 20.DOIP/Op.Relationships.Get operation and the /relationships API endpoint do not leak Cordra object internalMetadata.

  • Ensure that the 20.DOIP/Op.Relationships.Get operation and the /relationships API endpoint always apply any relevant onObjectResolution hook to retrieved objects.

Changes in 2.5.1 release (2023-08-07):


Cordra v2.5.1 is a critical security update.

Cordra v2.5.1 changes the behavior of object updates which alter the type of an object. The new default is for such updates to be prevented. If you need such updates, you will need to set design flag enableTypeChangeViaUpdate, and carefully consider the ACLs and lifecycle hooks that will now affect such updates.

In previous versions, only the write ACL of the old type and the lifecycle hooks of the new type would affect such an update. Unless specifically prevented, this would allow users authorized to update any object, to cause the object to have a type that the users were not expected to be authorized to create. That includes types like Schema that are only intended to be created or updated by administrators, and which allow code execution via lifecycle hooks.

Going forward, the create ACL of the new type also affects the operation, which is sufficient to prevent the security issue with typical settings. Additionally, lifecycle hooks allow more fine-grained control, both at the old type and the new type. In general, if lifecycle hooks and ACLs would allow a user to delete an object and then create an object of the new type, then (when enableTypeChangeViaUpdate is active) the user will be able to update the object to have the new type. Since the lifecycle hook interaction may be subtle, the ability to update types is now disabled by default.

New features:

  • New design flag enableTypeChangeViaUpdate, false by default, can be set true to allow the standard 0.DOIP/Op.Update operation to change the type of an object.

  • An update which changes the type of an object accesses ACLs and lifecycle hooks as if it were a deletion (of an object of the original type) followed by a creation (of an object of the new type). In particular the write ACL of the old type and create ACL of the new type must both allow the operation; and the beforeDelete hook for the old type and beforeSchemaValidation hook of the new type both run; and the beforeSchemaValidation hook runs with the context attribute isNew set to true. The lifecycle hook context attribute isUpdate is set to true for the relevant hooks in case special type-update-specific logic is wanted.


  • Ensure that users can call operations they are authorized to call, even if they are not authorized to retrieve the target object.

  • Fix authentication backoff when it occurs with the “root” servlet instead of under /cordra.

  • Fix issues with startup scripts when Cordra is installed in a path with space characters.

Changes in 2.5.0 release (2023-04-30):


As of Cordra v2.5.0, the default JavaScript engine is GraalVM JavaScript instead of Nashorn. We expect most Cordra JavaScript to work without change in the GraalVM JavaScript engine. In case your JavaScript requires Nashorn, you can configure Cordra to continue using Nashorn by adding to config.json:

"javascript": {
    "engine": "nashorn"


The DOIP API for HTTP Clients from Cordra v2.3.0 until Cordra v2.4.0 would copy request “attributes” into request “input” for GET requests. This is not done by default in Cordra v2.5.0 and later; instead the implementation of type methods can be sensitive to both attributes and input, separately. To retain the earlier behavior, you can set the design property useLegacyAttributesAsInputForDoipGet.


As of Cordra v2.5.0, the onObjectResolution hook applies by default to the objects returned the the caller of create or update operations. An indicator isCreate or isUpdate is available in the hook context of the onObjectResolution call. To retain the earlier behavior where onObjectResolution is not called with the result of create or update operations, you can set the design property useLegacySkipOnObjectResolutionForCreateAndUpdate.

New features:

  • Cordra uses GraalVM JavaScript (instead of the deprecated Nashorn engine) by default; see JavaScript Version.

  • Cordra JavaScript can use more recent JavaScript features, up to ECMAScript 2022.

  • Cordra JavaScript can use ESM modules (import/export) instead of CJS modules (require/exports); see ECMAScript Modules.

  • Java 17 support.

  • Support for hooks and type methods written in Java, see Java Hooks and Methods.

  • Service-level hooks (in “design” JavaScript or with Java annotation @CordraServiceHooks) can serve as global default lifecycle hooks used for all object types.

  • More Cordra APIs now accessible via DOIP, see DOIP API for HTTP Clients.

  • Sort order interface in Cordra UI.

  • User-defined menus and query forms for Cordra UI; see navBarLinks.

  • Support for custom authentication UI in Cordra UI; see Customizing the UI to use an external authentication provider.

  • Cordra JSON Schema property allowing an input to be disabled in Cordra UI; see disableInUi.

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 8 and dropped support for Elasticsearch 6. Current supported versions of Elasticsearch are 7 and 8.

  • Upgrade MongoDb Java driver dependency to 4.7, compatible with MongoDb server versions from 2.6 to 6.0 inclusive.

  • New module “cordra-client” for use in JavaScript hooks, allowing arbitrary calls against the host Cordra; see Cordra Client Module.

  • The implementations of type methods can now be responsive to request “attributes” as well as “input”; see Request Attributes.

  • Indexing and searching of date-times via index fields prefixed with date_; see Querying date-time properties.

  • Request context (see Request Context) is now available via DOIP by setting attributes.requestContext.

  • The onObjectResolution hook now applies to the results of create and update operations as returned to the caller.

  • The authenticate hook can now return an arbitrary “authContext” which is visible in other hooks; see Authenticate Hook.

  • The createHandleValues hook can be defined in the standard design JavaScript, instead of only on the handleMintingConfig JavaScript.

  • The generateId hook can be defined on individual types, not just as a service-level hook.

  • Allow faceted search to specify maxBuckets; see Faceted Search.

  • ReindexBatch administrative API can reindex all objects from storage, or objects selected by query; see Reindex Batch: 20.DOIP/Op.ReindexBatch.

  • QueryParams class of Java client library now has a builder() method.

  • New design flag “isReadOnly”; see Design Object.

  • New config option for MongoDb storage “useLegacyIdField”, which is true by default (and so no change is required for existing installations). This can be set to false to use “_id” instead of “id”. Note that if you have an existing MongoDb collection you would need to migrate your data before changing this option.

  • New Schema top level property “indexObjects” which can be set to false to prevent indexing of objects of that type; see indexObjects.

  • Moved “indexPayloads” property from inside the JsonSchema to a top level property of the Schema Cordra object; see indexPayloads.

  • New query parameter “includeScore” which, if set to true, causes search results to include the “score” from the index service.

  • New query parameter “includeVersions” which, if set to true, causes search results to include Cordra version objects (see Digital Object Versioning).

  • Cordra webapp is included in the distribution as cordra.war instead of ROOT.war, along with a simple ROOT.war which forwards all requests to cordra.war.

  • If Cordra is configured to listen on “localhost”, now the default, it will listen on both the IPv4 localhost and the IPv6 localhost ::1.

  • Cordra can be configured to listen on multiple addresses by using config.json property “listenAddresses” instead of or in addition to “listenAddress”; similarly DOIP and DO-IRP listener configuration now allow “listenAddresses”.

  • It is now possible to specify a --number-of-threads with “export-tool” and “import-tool”; see Import and Export Tools.

  • Improved behavior of export-tool and import-tool with very large payloads.

  • Allow search of objects by ACL using search fields like acl/readers/_.

  • Index fields starting with sort_ are now searchable with the default Lucene index (in addition to their existing use for sorting and faceting).

  • GET /startupStatus will return a 500 error in case of startup failure for ease of monitoring.

  • Internal JavaScript module ‘cordraUtil’ renamed to ‘cordra-util’, but the older name also works.

  • New worked examples Neo4j as an Additional Index and Partial Replication/Aggregation.

  • OpenAPI-compatible documentation for DOIP API for HTTP Clients.


  • When attempting to access a non-existent object, return “Missing object” only when the authenticated user has default read permission; otherwise return an auth error. (This matches Cordra 2.3.0 behavior inadvertently changed in Cordra 2.4.0.)

  • Fixed API bug that prevented DELETE with jsonPointer.

  • Improve deletion of old temporary files from webapps-temp directory.

  • 500 errors using the batchUpload API will be logged.

  • Ensure that method ACLs on an instance override (rather than add to) default method ACLs.

Changes in 2.4.0 release (2022-02-20):

  • Upgrade log4j2 dependency to 2.17.1.

  • Cordra will use the more specific “Conflict” response code (409) instead of “Bad Request” (400) when an attempt is made to create a schema or user with the same name as an existing schema or user.

  • New lifecycle hook “authenticate”; see Authenticate Hook.

  • New lifecycle hook “customizeQueryAndParams”; see Customize Query and Params Hook.

  • New lifecycle hook “beforeStorage”; see Before Storage Hook.

  • New lifecycle hook “beforeSchemaValidationWithId”, which can make use of a generated identifier, in contrast to “beforeSchemaValidation” which can affect a to-be-generated identifier; see Lifecycle Hooks.

  • Lifecycle hooks and type methods in JavaScript can now return promises, allowing the use of asynchronous libraries.

  • Documentation of As-User feature; now admits finer control via authenticate hook.

  • Numeric indexing and searching of JSON numbers via index fields prefixed with num_; see Querying numeric properties.

  • New POST /batchUpload API; see Batch Upload.

  • Individual Schema objects can have an “authConfig” property, which takes precedence over “schemaAcls” on the “authConfig” of the design object; see Authorization.

  • Individual Schema objects may have a “getAuthConfig()” static method in their JavaScript; see Get Auth Config Hook.

  • S3 storage configuration allows “endpoint” and “signerOverride” to support non-standard S3-compatible services.

  • S3 storage allows getting credentials implicitly from the environment.

  • Elasticsearch configuration now allows multiple baseUris.

  • Cordra UI screen for accessing method calls.

  • New library function cordraUtil.verifyWithKey; see CordraUtil Module.

  • New library function cordraUtil.getGroupsForUser; see CordraUtil Module.

  • New library function cordraUtil.validateWithSchema; see CordraUtil Module.

  • cordraUtil.verifyWithCordraKey now only checks signature, does not interpret JWT claims.

  • New library cordra-hooks-support to facilitate writing Cordra lifecycle hooks or type methods in Java; see Calling Java from JavaScript.

  • New library cordra-embedded-test-server to facilitate starting a Cordra for automated testing.

  • Key simplification: a typical Cordra install will generate only a single keypair to be used for HTTPS, DOIP, handle registration, and signing.

  • TokenUsingCordraClient and the JavaScript cordra-client can now be constructed with an explicit client-side idle timeout on the cache of tokens (default is 10 minutes), after which the client will assume it needs to reauthenticate instead of using a cached token.

  • Possible performance improvement with MongoDB storage by removing extraneous find calls for objects without payloads.

  • Warm up JSON Schema Java objects and JavaScript lifecycle hooks for possible performance gains.

  • Bugfix with Tomcat sessions and auth backoff to prevent a possible infinite loop scenario with certain unfortunately timed requests.

  • Bugfix for retention of payloadReaders ACL across object update.

  • Bugfix to ensure that internalMetadata is not visible to schema methods.

  • Workaround for rare Gson issue of illegal access for empty collections on JDK 16+.

  • Allow single-instance Cordra to be configured with Kafka-based replication, which was previously only available in a distributed Cordra installation.

  • Allow faceted search on aclRead and aclWrite fields.

  • Include the object id in the default index field for an object.

  • Bugfix to prevent an error making a faceted query for a field not yet indexed, in the Lucene backend.

  • Allow Cordra to be configured to start with neither HTTP nor HTTPS port enabled.

  • The SchemaImporter tool can take both --object and --name/--schema/--javascript and will sensibly combine the input.

  • Make Cordra UI more useful for recovery when there is a problem with design JavaScript.

  • Ensure default character encoding of UTF-8 on HTTP requests.

  • New Cordra extension called Collab in prototype form. See Collab Prototype Software.

Changes in 2.3.2 release (2021-12-15):

  • Upgrade log4j2 dependency to 2.16.0 to ensure Cordra is not vulnerable to the “log4shell” vulnerability CVE-2021-45046.

Changes in 2.3.1 release (2021-12-11):

  • Upgrade log4j2 dependency to 2.15.0 to ensure Cordra is not vulnerable to the “log4shell” vulnerability CVE-2021-44228.

  • Upgrade Netty dependency to 4.1.69.Final.

  • JsonPruner (utility class in cordra-schema-util) now prunes correctly to schemas using “oneOf”.

Changes in 2.3.0 release (2021-04-01):

  • Endpoint of DOIP API for HTTP clients is /doip; see DOIP API for HTTP Clients.

  • Access tokens for invoking DOIP operations can be managed using operation identifiers 20.DOIP/Op.Auth.Token, 20.DOIP/Op.Auth.Introspect, and 20.DOIP/Op.Auth.Revoke; see Access Token Operations.

  • Operation 0.DOIP/Op.ListOperations and the listMethods API now only list operations/methods for which the calling user has ACL-level permission.

  • Aliases for service and core operation ids in DOIP; see Aliases.

  • New NPM project @cnri/cordra-tool to facilitate development and testing of Cordra configuration of types, operations, and lifecycle hooks. See the in the NPM package for details.

  • Global static methods can be placed on the design object and can be accessed as DOIP custom operations targeting the service object; see Service-level Static Methods.

  • New lifecycle hook customizeQuery allows restricting or augmenting user-supplied queries; see Customize Query Hook.

  • New lifecycle hooks afterCreateOrUpdate and afterDelete; see Lifecycle Hooks.

  • Lifecycle hooks for the Design object and Type objects; see Hooks for the Design Object and Type Objects.

  • The convenience API endpoints /initData, /design, and /schemas now properly apply ACLs for the Design object and Type objects.

  • New query parameters “facets” and “filterQueries”; see Search for objects and Faceted Search.

  • Schema validation now properly validate “format”:”date” and “format”:”time”.

  • The “createHandleValues” lifecycle hook allows access to the “context” parameter, which can be used to inspect “context.effectiveAcl” to determine whether an object is public.

  • The “onObjectResolution” lifecycle hook can now inspect a context property “isSearch” to determine if it is being apply to a standalone object resolution or to a search result.

  • New ACL “payloadReaders” allows further restricting which object readers are authorized to read payloads.

  • Type methods called using GET (or POST with empty body) allow passing input via a query parameter called “params”.

  • Cordra JavaScript comes with polyfills supporting many features up to ECMAScript 2017, to facilitate transpiling next-generation JavaScript source into ES5 for use in Cordra.

  • Cordra schema JavaScript allows more control over the returned server response when throwing errors; see Throwing Errors in Schema JavaScript.

  • The JavaScript cordra-client now throws objects which are instanceof Error for better stack traces.

Changes in 2.2.0 release (2020-10-06):

  • Cordra schemas in Type objects can now reference other Cordra schemas using $ref property; see Schema References.

  • Type methods and lifecycle hooks have access to Cordra object payloads; before only the JSON portion of the digital object was accessible to those methods. See Cordra.js Module.

  • Type methods can now accept and return arbitrary byte streams (instead of just JSON); see Direct I/O.

  • Type methods, for use with the REST API, can specify that they can be invoked using HTTP GET (instead of just POST); see Allowing GET.

  • The onObjectResolution hook can now control access during payload retrievals and the new onPayloadResolution hook can produce bytes or override stored bytes during a payload retrieval; see Lifecycle Hooks.

  • The JavaScript cordra-client now works with Node.js, in addition to the browser.

  • A bug was fixed to ensure the createHandleValues JavaScript hook returns handle records as intended.

  • A bug was fixed to stop memory a leak issue during payload creation and update.

  • A bug was fixed to expose object.metadata to beforeSchemaValidation hook on update.

  • The listMethods call is now available to authorized readers (instead of just writers).

  • Default authorization configuration is changed for new Cordra installs. New installs by default require authentication to read any objects (other than Type/Schema objects and the design object which are public). If you prefer the old default, edit the authorization configuration via the design object or the admin interface. Existing installations after software update will continue to work as before.

  • A new cordra-schema-util library is introduced with utility functions related to Jackson and schema validation, including certain utilities formerly part of cordra-client; developers can leverage this library for performing project-specific checks.

  • Authentication functionality will now use the response from onObjectResolution hook applied to user objects; before only stored user objects were considered.

  • Cordra distribution now includes hdl-convert-key script to facilitate converting keys among Handle, PEM, and JWK formats.

  • cordraUtil.signWithKey, cordraUtil.signWithCordraKey, and cordraUtil.getCordraPublicKey utility methods are added to the embedded JavaScript library for use in Cordra lifecycle hooks and type methods to facilitate the production and checking of signatures.

  • DOIP configuration allows setting serviceName and serviceDescription, which will be included in the response to the Hello request.

  • The SchemaImporter tool will preserve existing JavaScript when updating a Type/Schema object; to delete existing JavaScript during an import procedure, a new –delete-javascript flag can be specified.

Changes in 2.1.0 release (2020-05-08):

  • Allow use of Elasticsearch as Cordra indexer (this did not work correctly in v2.0.0).

  • Fix issue with type method call locking (object passed to method is now acquired inside the lock).

  • Cordra UI object editor will now retain falsy non-required properties either fetched from server or from “Edit As Json”. Falsy non-required properties can be added or removed using “Edit As Json”.

  • Allow type methods to take input other than JSON objects (for example, strings).

  • TokenUsingCordraClient, when a request fails due to a server-invalidated token, will retry with a new token.

  • Add new /search HTTP API for searching; enable search requests to be sent as JSON via POST; see Search for objects.

  • Enable search with “queryJson” parameter to match content of object against supplied JSON; see Search for objects.

  • Enable system properties to control trusted HTTPS certificates when using HttpCordraClient; see TLS Configuration.

  • Update dependencies, notably ZooKeeper, Curator, and Kafka.

  • Facilitate use of TLS with ZooKeeper, Kafka, and other services; see Enabling TLS.

  • Add getOrNull method to cordra-client.js. If the digital object does not exist, get method throws an exception; getOrNull method instead returns null value.

  • Support new configuration options for Solr and Elasticsearch; see Configuring Indexing Backend.

  • Allow limited use of ES6 (that supported by Nashorn) in JavaScript used with Cordra types. Notably “let” and “const” are usable even in Java 8; later Java versions offer partial support for arrow functions, for…of loops, and backtick-delimited strings.

  • Support sending exceptionally long queries to Solr (previously Solr would by default reject queries over seven or eight thousand characters long).

  • Cordra UI now incorporates dependencies that it formerly fetched from CDNs.

  • Built-in handle server now uses the same listenAddress as Cordra’s HTTP interfaces by default.

  • Remove unexpected error.log messaging about DOIP interface when using Cordra in a servlet container.

  • Fix bug preventing use of filesystem bdbje storage with multi storage configuration.

  • Filesystem bdbje storage can have the path to the Cordra data directory overridden by configuration; see Configuring Storage Backend.

  • Custom storage backends can automatically receive the path to the Cordra data directory as property cordraDataDir of their configuration options; see Configuring Storage Backend.

  • Use “exec” in command-line scripts to ensure that only one process is spawned.

  • Copy secure properties of a digital object when creating a version of that object.

  • Prevent simultaneous changes to digital objects when their versions are being created.

  • Make HttpCordraClient.getNewHttpClient and other methods available for overriding in a subclass to change HTTP client configuration.


Cordra Beta v2.0 versions released after 2018-08-01 include an improved JavaScript API which is incompatible with earlier released versions of Cordra Beta v2.0. If your Cordra configuration includes schema JavaScript, see here for an upgrade path.

Cordra users upgrading from early versions of the Cordra Beta v2.0, who did not use schema JavaScript (apart from the default User schema JavaScript, which will be automatically upgraded if it has not been edited), do not in general need to take any action.

Also, earlier versions of Cordra would return all results to searches with pageSize=0. To restore the former behavior, you can add “useLegacySearchPageSizeZeroReturnsAll”:true to the Cordra Design Object. By default a search with pageSize=0 returns the number of matched objects but no object content.

As of Cordra Beta v2.0 versions released after 2019-06-01, Kafka-based replication no longer includes payloads in the replication messages. If you are using replication and you need payloads to replicate there is a boolean property “includePayloadsInReplicationMessages” that can be set to true on the Design object. Note that the current implementation of replication with “includePayloadsInReplicationMessages” may require special Kafka configuration or may not be suitable when there are large payloads.

Cordra Beta v2.0 versions released after 2019-08-02 only support Elasticsearch version 6 and 7 as indexing backends. If you have an existing Elasticsearch 5 index, you’ll need to upgrade and reindex.

Cordra v2.0.0 and later only support using access tokens to create HTTP REST API sessions. If your application uses the cookie-based Legacy Sessions API, you will need to upgrade to use the new Token API. To restore this former behavior, you can add “useLegacySessionsApi”:true to the Cordra design object. See Access Token API for details on the new API.

As of Cordra v2.0.0, all authentication requests must be made over a secure HTTPS connection. To allow authentication over insecure channels, you can add “allowInsecureAuthentication”:true to the Cordra design object.

Cordra v2.0.0 uses memory sessions by default. If you have a distributed Cordra installation which uses Tomcat session replication, you will need to configure the Cordra session manager to use Tomcat-managed sessions. See Distributed Sessions Manager.

Changes in 2.0.0 release (2019-10-09):

  • Add built-in identifier resolution; see Identifiers and Handle Integration.

  • Ensure Cordra object ids are syntactically valid handles.

  • Make DOIP listener active on port 9000 by default.

  • Add handle values to Cordra object id records for DOIP clients to locate objects.

  • Add generateId JavaScript lifecycle hook; see Generate Object Id Hook.

  • Allow handleReference in schemas to refer to objects of any types, or any types except a fixed list, instead of requiring a fixed list of allowed types.

  • Allow authentication only over HTTPS by default.

  • New options for HTTPS configuration, in particular to allow updating certificate without restart; see Configuring HTTPS Keys.

  • Change default session management to memory sessions; add separate configuration option for using Tomcat-managed sessions. See Distributed Sessions Manager.

  • Add cordraUtil.js module; see CordraUtil Module.

  • Prevent MongoDbStorage from storing JSON numbers not representable as MongoDB numbers.

  • Make client-supplied requestContext available to JavaScript hooks; see Request Context.

  • Add parameter filter to search and retrieval APIs to allow returning only parts of the objects specified by JSON pointers.

  • Upgrade dependencies; support Elasticsearch 6 and 7 (but not 5).

  • Add Access Token API and deprecate Legacy Sessions API.

  • Add script to allow easier creation of Handle key pairs.

  • Support providing jar files in data/lib and sub-directories.

  • New API GET /check-credentials to test authentication whether direct or token/session-based.

  • Add batch files, e.g., startup and shutdown, for Windows.

  • Update technical manual significantly.

Changes in 2019-06-12 beta release:

  • Digital Object Hashing, which allows hashes of the object content to automatically be included in object metadata.

  • Fix bug to ensure that any errors resulting from sessions setup (see Distributed Sessions Manager) are visible at startup.

  • Prevent creating a digital object with a zero-character, i.e., empty, identifier. If the use of previous versions of Cordra resulted in digital objects with empty identifiers, you can delete them with this recovery API call: DELETE /objects/?deleteObjectWithEmptyId.

  • Ensure that initial default schemas have appropriate createdOn and modifiedOn metadata.

  • Versions (see Digital Object Versioning) are now immutable by default; they can be made mutable by setting a Design object flag “enableVersionEdits”.

  • Improved Cordra software performance.

  • Fix bug that in rare cases could allow user and group changes to not be immediately visible to the portion of Cordra process that authenticates users.

  • Fixes to migration from Cordra v1.

  • UI fix to prevent issues with schemas containing spaces.

  • Allow configuration of cookies used for Cordra sessions; see Design Object.

  • Kafka-based replication no longer includes payloads in the replication messages. If you are using replication and you need payloads to replicate there is a boolean property “includePayloadsInReplicationMessages” that can be set to true on the Design object. Note that the current implementation of replication with “includePayloadsInReplicationMessages” may require special Kafka configuration or may not be suitable when there are large payloads.

  • Storage modules “custom” and “multi”; see Configuring Storage Backend.

  • To facilitate clients passing contextual information to the storage backend, HTTP API calls admit a query parameter “requestContext”. This will be made available to the instance of StorageChooser used by the “multi” storage module. See Multiple Storages.

Changes in 2019-04-09 beta release:

  • Fix bug which prevented starting additional webapps in data/webapps.

  • Add new config.json property reindexing.async; reindexing.priorityTypes no longer causes async reindexing automatically. See Reindexing.

  • Improve documentation around possible issues reindexing when using types like JavaScriptDirectory.

Changes in 2019-03-29 beta release:

  • Ensure that sources of internal CNRI libraries are included in distribution.

  • Allow minRf to be configured in Solr indexer configuration.

  • Fix client tools ExportByQuery and ImportObjects which can now optionally connect to a MongoDB backend for internal metadata.

  • New server-side tools “export-tool” and “import-tool” which can connect directly to Cordra storage in order to export and import objects; also “ids-by-query” to retrieve a list of ids from a running Cordra. See Import and Export Tools.

  • Improve performance of reindexing under Elasticsearch.

  • Make it so that components of Cordra object “metadata” are indexed under fields with names like “metadata/createdOn”, etc.

  • New MongoDB storage configuration option “maxTimeMsLongRunning”, which defaults to a large value, to prevent processing timeouts on slow reindexing operations.

  • New HTTP API for searches which returns only object ids instead of full objects, using query parameter “&ids”.

  • Fixed bug causing incorrectly sorted search results when using MongoDB storage.

  • Fixed bug causing metadata “createdOn” and “modifiedOn” to differ for a newly created object.

Changes in 2019-03-09 beta release:

  • Substantial changes to UI.

  • Configurable session management backend; see Distributed Sessions Manager.

  • User schemas can include flags to activate/deactivate users; see “auth”: “accountActive”.

  • Single-instance Cordra installation allows additional jar files to be made available to Cordra by placing in data/lib directory.

  • A file next to startup will be run by startup (for ease of setting environment variables in automatic installations).

  • Remove all internal dependence on objatt_ fields in the index. This allows ignoring those fields in a Solr or Elasticsearch install, if desired to save index disk space.

  • Schemas can indicate that certain fields should not be stored or retrievable plain, but instead stored as a hash and salt which can be validated. Useful for secure tokens. See secureProperty.

  • New API GET /startupStatus to indicate when startup has partially failed; intended to be used in situations where HTTP access to Cordra is much easier than checking logs. See Startup Status API.

  • Upgrade Jetty backend in single-instance install; now supports HTTP/2 in Java 9 or later.

  • /uploadObjects API now should use POST rather than PUT.

  • GET /acls now only requires read permission.

Changes in 2019-01-31 beta release:

  • New objectForIndexing JavaScript hook to adjust how the object is indexed; see Example: Modification of the Indexed Object.

  • Required properties with schema cordra.type.autoGeneratedField were previously populated only if present with some value, even the empty string; now they are auto-generated even if missing.

  • Changed default value of reindexing configuration property batchSize to 16, which allows better performance with the default "lockDuringBackgroundReindex": true.

  • Fixed UI bug which prevented saving objects with missing but not required enum and boolean properties.

  • In the UI, the admin schema editor now allows editing schema JavaScript.

  • In the UI, added and edited schemas are now usable immediately instead of requiring a page refresh.

  • MongoDB storage now allow configuration of databaseName, collectionName, and gridFsBucketName.

  • Fixed bug which could cause schemas to be unknown to Cordra after a reindex in certain configurations.

Changes in 2019-01-11 beta release:

  • Improvements to logging of reindexing, and speed of reindexing when using MongoDB storage.

  • UI fix to prevent possible XSS in use of Toastr to show error messages.

  • Configurable ACLs for schema methods; see Authorization for Type Methods.

Changes in 2018-12-06 beta release:

  • Background reindexing fix to ensure objects are (by default) locked during reindexed; see Reindexing.

  • New /reindexBatch API; see Reindex Batch API.

  • Update documentation for /uploadObjects API.

Changes in 2018-11-27 beta release:

  • General performance improvements.

  • Cordra authorization now allows groups to include other groups. Note: to make use of this feature, existing deployments will need to edit the Group schema to allow the “users” property to include handles of objects of type “Group” as well as type “User”.

  • Reindexing performance improvements and new configuration options; see Reindexing.

  • Ensure “Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8” in more responses.

Version 1.0

  • Version 1.0.7 fixes a sporadic classloading issue experienced rarely by some users.

  • Version 1.0.6 has several minor bugfixes: HTTPS no longer asks for a client-side certificate; Handle resolution is aware of recent GHR changes; and the internal implementation of payload indexing is streamlined.

  • Version 1.0.5 fixes a performance bottleneck in indexing new objects, and also includes the full source needed to build Cordra.

  • Version 1.0.4 adds HTTP Range requests, as well as the “indexPayloads” property to allow turning off indexing of payloads.

  • Version 1.0.3 changes how payloads are associated with Cordra objects. Now any Cordra object can be associated with zero or more named payloads. Payloads are no longer associated with locations in the JSON and do not need to be defined in the schema.

  • Version 1.0.3 improves handle minting configuration to allow handles to redirect to the Cordra UI, the JSON of the Cordra object, payloads of the Cordra object, or URLs included in the JSON. There is also a handle updater to allow changes to handle records to be performed in bulk.

  • Version 1.0.2 includes a bug fix that prevented groups from referencing users correctly.